Trips Coordinator
The Trips Coordinator is responsible for coordinating dates, trip leaders and attendees for each club trip, maintaining a spread sheet of the dates and advertising each trip to members on the website, to the mailing list and in the Facebook group.
The Trips Coordinator should:
• Identify dates that trips could be run on a 3-monthly basis
• Liaise with trip leaders to establish dates they can lead trips and ensure a mixture of levels is being offered
• Advertise the trip dates on the website, to the mailing list and in the Facebook group
• Identify up to 4 weekend trips per year or a mixture of weekend trips and joint club events including family events
• Ensure trips are aimed at Beginner, Improver and Intermediate level. Advanced trips are currently Peer Paddles only.
• Encourage a trip report to be submitted for each event
• Keep a record of the trips for monitoring the club’s activity and planning future events