EKC seeks to assist volunteers, coaches and aspirant leaders, who are current members of EKC on their coaching/leadership journey. The Club is able to offer some financial support to those actively involved with us to help cover either the whole or a part of the costs of training and assessment, where the costs cannot be met from other sources.
The Committee will decide on the level of award according to each case but will seek to take a consistent approach, taking into account, amongst other factors, the level of previous voluntary involvement by the applicant. The Club also expects a commitment to continue to benefit the Club in a voluntary capacity.
In general terms, the Club does not provide financial support for skills courses (eg Personal Performance awards), but rather British Canoeing Coach Awards, Leadership Awards and support modules. Examples are: ● Safety and Rescue Training ● First Aid ● Coaching Awards (including Coach Award and Paddlesport Instructor - Training and Assessment) ● Leadership Awards (e.g. Leader and Advanced Leader Awards) ● Child Protection ● Paddleability ● SCA Club and Volunteer conference (up to 50%)
A contribution towards other training and/or assessment might be considered on a case by case basis.
The Club can only help with course fees and registration, not accommodation or transport.
Coaches, volunteers and aspirant leaders wishing to develop their skills should, in the first place, check that their course prerequisites are in place, and attempt to secure funding support from all available external sources. Applicants are expected to source the best value courses possible. The SCA runs a number of subsidised coaching and leadership courses that are especially suitable for aspirant leaders and coaches.
Applications for financial assistance with a particular course can then be submitted on the attached pro-forma to the Club Coaching Officer.
Guidelines: ● Any current member of the club may apply for a grant. In the event of an application from a club official applying, who may be judged to have a conflict of interest, he/she will not be part of the approval process. For example if the Coaching Officer were to apply for a grant, the Club Chairman, or nominated deputy would approve the grant, along with one other current committee member. ● Typically, in house courses (i.e. with an external provider) offer better value for money to the club so members are encouraged to investigate whether this option is available for the course. ● We will help you with the financial cost of your courses: however, we need payment back in kind (payback). Depending on the type and value of the coaching you have undertaken, we need you to coach and help out at the club for a time directly proportionate. This can be in a variety of ways, from teaching classes, to bank minding, to assisting on trips, to helping out at events. ● You must have your course pre-requisites in place before applying ● We will help with course fees and registration only, not accommodation or transport. You will need to be prepared to make a contribution to the overall costs. ● You must apply for all other funding available in good time, and ensure you follow process for this, (ie apply before the course date, issue proof of attendance etc). ● We expect you to try and find the best value course possible ● Payment must be pre-approved by the Club before you book onto the course. ● Awards of <GBP50 will be paid in one payment. Awards of > GBP 50 may be staged – half will be issued after the course has been attended following submission of receipts, with the balance being paid after completion of the agreed payback. In the event that the agreed payback is not completed in full within the agreed timescale, then the applicant will forfeit the residual balance of the award. The committee may take into account significant extenuating circumstances and grant an extension, but their decision is final and there is no right of appeal. ● We have a limited budget for courses each year: not all applications can be funded.
To make a funding application please fill out the pro-forma and submit to the EKC Coaching Officer at coaching@edinburghkayak.com. Applications will be considered within one calendar month, so candidates must ensure there is sufficient time between their application and the course running, in order to achieve this.
