All members entering the boatshed to hire equipment will have to familiarise themselves with and adhere to the following guidelines.
There is no access to the Members’ Boat storage area at this stage, apart from for key holders!
Accessing The Shed
Inside the boat shed
Only 1 household in the shed at any one time (The household members may be accommodated individually by a coach/leader to assist boat choice)
Please only touch the equipment you require to use for the day out on the water. (If you are unfamiliar with the boats please get advice on a boat that will suit your needs.)
Any boat you sit in has to be put aside for a minimum of 72 hours and cannot be used by another person (from outwith your household).
The same goes for any BA/cags you might have tried on whilst in the shed.
Choosing Equipment
Pick the equipment you require swiftly and take outside the shed, before locking the doors, following outlined procedure.
Any additional boats sat in or equipment tried on please move into quarantine area and label with a note that is dated and timed and states ‘DO NOT TOUCH FOR 72 HOURS’.
Return of Equipment
Keep equipment to return outside the shed until you complete step 2.
Sanitise your hands with hand gel then enter the shed and check equipment quarantine areas 1 and 2 and remove any equipment past their 72h limit and put it back into normal storage space.
Place all Equipment returned into the Allocated Quarantine area.
Add label to all returned equipment, with a note that is dated and timed and states ‘DO NOT TOUCH FOR 72 HOURS’.