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COVID-19 Guidelines For Pool Sessions

Due to the ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic extra care is to be taken when using Edinburgh Leisure facilities for club activities and coaching. Taking into consideration the recent advice from Scottish Government, Sportscotland and Edinburgh Leisure we will now run two 45 min sessions for 6 people (12 people total) on a Tuesday evening.

These guidelines are designed to minimize the spread of Covid-19 and will be strictly upheld to protect the safety of our members, the club’s relationship with Edinburgh Leisure and the public. Members should also read the Pool Session Risk Assessment before attending.

Booking pool sessions

1. Pool sessions of 45 mins must be booked and paid for in advance using the following link:

2. Bookings open on the Wednesday for the following Tuesday.

3. When booking specify preferred boat and if you require additional equipment ie. Paddle, spraydeck (size), helmet and if you would like coaching. We will do our best to provide for these requests but cannot guarantee the requested equipment. You are encouraged to bring your own equipment (except boats) where possible.

4. Coaches will be allocated on a first come first served basis, but priority will be given to new members. This will be constantly reassessed.

The Session times, with a 15 min break for cleaning, are:

Session 1: 18:45 - 19:30. Arrive 18:15 to help transfer boats to the pool.

Session 2: 19:45 - 20:30. Arrive 19:30.

What to expect at the pool session

Follow Edinburgh Leisure guidelines and follow one-way system. Masks should always be worn, except in the changing cubicle, in the pool, at the poolside and when wet.

1. Members in the first session should arrive at 18:15 to help transfer the boats to the pool.

2. Enter the pool area by the glass side door, which is in the café area, no earlier than 15 mins before your session.

3. On arrival all attendees MUST sign in on the track and trace form.

4. To spend the least amount of time in the changing room arrive wearing swim wear if possible. Use vacant cubicles closest to the door and leave personal belongings in cubicle for duration of session. This ensures cubicles are not used by more than 1 person during the 2 sessions and minimizes the cleaning required by Edinburgh Leisure staff.

5. A max of 2 coaches and 2 volunteers are allowed at the pool side for the course of the evening as well as 1 parent or guardian for any participant under the age of 16 years.

6. At the poolside maintain physical distancing 2m (6 feet) at all times.

7. Select your boat and equipment from the designated areas and touch only the equipment you will use. Equipment will be sterilized before and after sessions.

8. In the pool social distancing should be maintained where possible. For safety coaches teaching rolling or aiding a wet exit may be closer than 2m but this should be for a minimum time and is at the discretion of the coach. There will be a maximum of 8 boats in the pool (2 coaches and 6 members), with 4 boats at the deep end and 2 in the coaching area.

9. After your session, if using a club kit place spray decks and helmets in the sterilizing buckets and leave the poolside. Remove personal kit from poolside.

10. Showers are only to be used for a quick rinse of yourself and personal equipment after your session.

11. Members from the last session should help return boats to storage after the session. Equipment must be outside by 20:45.

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