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COVID-19 Shared Travel Guidelines

You should only travel with members of your own, or extended, household. We as a club recognise that there may be occasions when there is no alternative but to travel with people outside your household. On club trips this could be caused by a car breaking down or injury sustained by a participant whilst on the trip. We require all leaders and participants on club trips to use their own vehicles and arrange alternative means for running a shuttle before/after a river trip. This could be through the means of walking, cycling or the use of public buses if available at location. On emergency occasions where the trip leader sees it as a necessity to share lifts as there are no alternatives, the following safeguarding measures have to be followed at all times:

● Share the transport with the same people on each journey.

● Keep to small groups of people at any one time, max of 2 people in small car or 3 if car size allows for appropriate distancing.

● Maintain good ventilation by keeping the car windows open if possible.

● Everyone to wear face-coverings.

● Clean your hands before and after your journey using alcoholic hand gel.

● If the vehicle is your responsibility, clean the door handles and other areas that people touch with antiviral spray. There will be 3 bottles kept in the shed, it is the trip leader's responsibility to return these at the end of the day.

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