Dear Member of Edinburgh Kayak Club,
The Annual General Meeting of Edinburgh Kayak Club will take place at The Toby Carvery Liberton, 41 Howden Hall Road, at 7:30 on Thursday 10th November 2022. There will also be a picture and video show of our kayaking exploits of the year! All members are very welcome to come and eat and socialise from 6:15 onwards, before the formal meeting starts at 7:30pm.
Our usual procedure for the AGM is that brief club activity reports are given by the Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Chair and that we then move on to nominate and elect a new Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Designated Safeguarding Person. This year we will also elect a Leadership, Coaching & Training Officer. We then seek to appoint club members who are interested in becoming more active and involved in the club to the EKC Committee, where individuals have roles such as Environment Champion, Equality and Diversity Champion, Equipment and Repair Officer, Pinkston and Club Liaison Officer, Trip Coordinator, Webmaster, Social Media Specialist, Pool Coordinator, Lagoons Coordinator, Freestyle Champion, Mistress of Fun and Shed Guardian. It is certainly possible to invent new roles too! Join the EKC Committee, paddle rivers and Support your Local Kayak Club!
The EKC AGM 2022 agenda will be:
1. Approval of the Minutes of the last AGM in November 2021.
2. Short report from the Membership Secretary
3. Short report from the Treasurer.
4. Short report from the Interim Chair.
5. Nomination and Election of Club Officers. (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Leadership, Coaching and Training Coordinator and Designated Safeguarding Person).
6. Nomination and election of committee members (roles to be confirmed at the next Committee Meeting in December).
7. Voting for Annual Club Awards-Paddler, Coach or Leader, Volunteer, Junior Paddler, Swimmer and C.R.A.F.T. Award
8. Slide and video show of the epic deeds and occasional misjudgements of EKC since emerging from hiding in 2020 and 2021.
Come along, meet and greet & talk paddling.