It is the policy of Edinburgh Kayak Club that all paddlers, club volunteers, coaches, leaders and parents show respect and understanding for each other and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club. The aim is for all paddlers to be safe on the water, to have fun, and to improve their paddling performance (if they so wish).
Everyone involved in the Club should abide by the Club Rules and Policies.
Treat other club members with respect at all times — on and off the water — treat other paddlers as you would want to be treated yourself
Control tempers and avoid behaviour which may upset others
Listen to and co-operate with your trip leader, coach or other club officials
Take care of all property belonging to the club or club members
Respect the environment
Never paddle whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Club Officials, Trip Leaders, Coaches and Volunteers
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others without regard to their age, sex, gender identity, disability, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation
Treat others with respect so that they are able to enjoy their sport without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment or abuse
Consider the wellbeing and safety of paddlers above all else
Develop an appropriate working relationship with paddlers, based on mutual trust and respect
Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part
Display consistently high standards of behaviour
Follow British Canoeing and club guidelines and policies
Encourage paddlers to improve their paddling skills, whilst recognising that not everyone wishes to do this
Never condone the use of prohibitive substances
Club coaches and trip leaders should be signed off by the EKC Coaching and Leadership Sign-off sub-group and where appropriate, hold appropriate, up-dated qualifications and insurance
Support your child’s involvement, help them to enjoy the sport, encourage them to improve their skills and recognise effort
Wherever possible, lead by example and accompany your child on the water – EKC is keen to make paddling a family activity
Never force your child to take part in sport and never punish or belittle a child for making mistakes
Use correct and proper language at all times
Publicly accept guidance and decisions from club officials, coaches, trip leaders